About Us

Payroll, Human Resources, Benefits, and Time & Attendance are some of the services we provide. You can rely on our 40 years of experience coupled with the latest technology to custom build a service that is tailored to your company's needs.

    Why HR Butler?




      1 min read

      About HR Butler

      Proin condimentum turpis justo, at sagittis augue commodo et.

      Suspendisse nisl nisl, sollicitudin ac ultricies laoreet, interdum ac enim. Maecenas viverra purus in dapibus vestibulum. Quisque a mi condimentum, aliquet turpis ac, pulvinar risus. Maecenas cursus non libero nec tempor. Pellentesque dictum mi nec convallis sollicitudin. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras quis bibendum nisl. Vivamus ut risus ullamcorper, mattis sem sit amet, feugiat ante. In tincidunt, neque nec egestas mattis, purus metus posuere elit, eget lacinia felis metus ac magna. Morbi dui ipsum, adipiscing vitae pulvinar a, dignissim sed urna.

      2 min read

      6 Benefits of Being a Fully Remote Team

      With the Covid-19 crisis causing many workplaces to close, teams across the nation have had to find new ways to work...

      4 min read

      Suddenly Remote? Here's 5 Ways That HR Can Support A Remote Team

      With the impact of Covid-19, companies across the world are having to get creative with how their staff can work...

      2 min read

      The Costly Consequences of Payroll Mistakes

      Payroll errors cost employers in the United States large amounts of money every year. According to IRS data, a whopping...